Top CRMs For NPOs

As an NPO organization, we are sure that you would have heard a lot about the importance of CRM software. 

Customer Relationship Management(CRM) software is one of the best software that helps the NPOs for tracking all the conversation between the organization and prospective donors. It also helps in keeping track of the overall management strategies. 

In this blog, we will walk you through the top 8 NPO CRM software. We hope that it will help you make the right choice. We also have included a comparison chart which will help you to better differentiate between the software. 

1. Bloomerang – Since 2012


Blommerang is a popular CRM software for NPOs like charity centers, animal welfare centers, eco-centers and so on. It offers an easy way to contact each donor. Therefore it is easy to track your donors’ engagement level. Plus, unlimited user data can be stored in this cloud-based software.  


  • Easy to maintain all the records of the members, such as donors, volunteers, sponsors, grantees, etc
  • Create, personalize, and update the ‘online donation form’, event registration forms, and email sign-up forms
  • Obtain informative analytics through email marketing
  • Integrate with apps for fund accounting, wealth screening, and CMS 
  • Track each donor’s current engagement status and generosity score
  • Find the potential donors by philanthropic screening 
  • Supports online payment gateways such as Stripe & Moolah 
  • Easy to retain the existing donors and respond to each donor’s suggestions
  • Timeline that represents interactions of the individuals and organization
  • Segmented lists can be created for marketing, fundraising, and annual planning
  • Automatically update the donor’s National Change of Address,(NCOA) deceased data, obituaries
  • Accept on-spot donations or instant refunds via low transaction fee payment methods


  • Has a user-friendly interface
  • Data entry is streamlined and efficient, therefore the generated reports are user-friendly in nature


  • Identifying duplicative and repetitive content becomes a tedious process
  • No add-on features for texting, tracking social media sites, etc


  • $99/month for 1000 records
  • $199/month for 5,000 records
  • $299/month for 15,000 records
  • $399/month for 25,000 records
  • $499/month for 40,00 records
  • Click here to learn more about pricing
  • Has specific pricing tiers for NPOs

2. DonorPerfect – Since 1994


DonorPerfect is a programmed CRM software that is suitable for all NPO’s. It lowers the organization’s workload by establishing a user-friendly relationship with the donors. Moreover, it helps to maintain all the activities of NPOs such as funds, receipts, reports, email, fundraising initiatives and more. Gifts, soft credits, pledges, corporate sponsorship, grants, and all types of donations can be tracked effectively. 


  • Manage all sort of funding activities in a single database
  • Automatically administer the time for the scheduled report, customer alert activities and so on
  • Transform the donor’s data into a successful donor engagement strategy
  • Improve fundraising
  • Offer seamless payment services through Quickbooks, DP CheckScan
  • Easy to share the forms through an online site, app, email, etc 
  • Build reports on donor retention and revenue analysis
  • Connect with the donors via instant online donation acknowledgments, efficient task management tools, email marketing, and custom alert tools
  • Organize donors to the fundraising events with integrated registration forms, status, metrics, etc
  • Promote communication with the ConstantContact tool
  • Develop revenue with ReadySetAuction
  • Display donor records in SmartScreens that reduces data clutter and efficiency 


  • Availability of knowledgeable professionals 24/7 to assist the NPO team
  • Option to provide training to new visitors through webinars
  • Stores all the information of the donors, that includes, their contact information, received gifts details and more
  • Tracking feature is available 


  • Hard to make customized reports 
  • Fields in the main constituent page are skipped 
  • Lacks flexibility 


  • $99/month for 1,000 records
  • $179/month for 2,500 records
  • $299/month for 7,500 records
  • $499/month for 25,000 records
  • $799/month for 75,000 records
  • Click here to learn more about pricing 
  • There is no specific price tier for NPOs

3. NeonCRM – Since 2004


NeonCRM is a cloud-based donor management software suitable for small to large NPOs to engage donors, plan events, manage constituents, track volunteers. It deals with all the processes such as building donor profiles, processing donations, tracking histories, and so on. Several operations including marketing and outreach, fundraising, donor management, membership management and more can be carried out within the CRM. It is used by animal welfare groups, human services, and philanthropic foundations.


  • Flexible for all organizations 
  • Make short notes of each donor’s profile
  • Track the organization’s progress with the grant tracking feature
  • Establish activities and reminders for the prospectus
  • Create forms with customizable fields and conditional access
  • Create sign up forms to add more numbers of volunteers
  • Communicate with the volunteers via email
  • Inform the metrics, analytics, through the mission control dashboard
  • Generate automatic donation receipts for the donors
  • Provide an uninterrupted payment method from a single system
  • Build an online store to sell products and services
  • Easy to create custom surveys to get feedback and opinions
  • Allow access to authenticate users
  • Operate with either REST or SOAP protocols
  • Supports NeonPay for payment


  • Easy to access from anywhere at anytime
  • Integrated with MailChimp


  • Cannot customize email templates
  • Sometimes provides incorrect reports
  • No advanced modulations in calendars


  • $49/month for new organizations, startups
  • $99/month for small organizations, basic needs
  • $149/month for growing organizations, growing needs
  • $299/month for established organizations, premium needs
  • Assisted & self import – $600 one-time fee for very small and simple data amounts
  • Professional import – $600 + import fee, one-time for 1000+ records
  • Click here to learn more about pricing 
  • Special price tiers for NPOs are available 

4.  Kindful – Since 2011


Kindful is a modern, streamlined, and cloud-based CRM software that is built specifically for the development of non-profit organizations. With the help of this CRM, NPO organizations can receive online funds, create individual donor databases, and generate donor insights. 


  • Easy for new users to login without any entry charges
  • Allow access only for authorized users
  • Integrate with any third-party CRM software
  • Easy to load the contacts & transactions using the powerful self-import tool
  • Supports online payment gateways such as Stripe, PayPal and  Authorize.Net
  • Built with notification plugin for donation page
  • Separate pages can be created for supporting teams
  • Build reports for the list of donors & activities using the powerful filtering tools
  • Collect the donor’s data in the registration forms
  • Integrate with fundraising platforms like Classy, Crowdrise, Square, and GivingFuel
  • Easy to review the histories and download tax summaries
  • Send email receipts for the donations
  • Includes 13 built-in templates for reports


  • Adding new members is an easy process 
  • User-friendly interface offers step-by-step guidance to the users


  • Filtering tools for editing are not available in the software 
  • No tracking system for marketing the prospects 
  • Not easy to upload third-party software


  • $100/month for 1,000 contacts
  • $200/month for 5,000 contacts
  • $300/month for 15,000 contacts
  • $400/month for 25,000 contacts 
  • $500/month for 40,000 contacts
  • $600/month for 55,000 contacts
  • $700/month for 70,000 contacts
  • Click here to learn more about pricing
  • No special price tier for NPOs 

5. Bitrix24 – Since 2012


Bitrix24 is one of the best donor management software for social communication, sharing of files, project management and so on. This cloud-based or on-premise database software is available in 12 different languages and used by 4 million organizations. 


  • Easy to create a donor account
  • Data can be taken for backups regularly
  • Supports API 
  • Email, document, templates can be customized easily 
  • Easy to customize CRM’s precepts based on the individuals
  • Supports PayPal 
  • Allows to contact to any mobile or landline devices locally or globally


  • Multi-users can access the software simultaneously 
  • Many add-ons such as Sewersms integration, ChatBooster, LineMessenger, and more are available 
  • Free/trial version is available
  • Not required to switch to multiple applications for performing various operations


  • Premium packages are expensive


  • Free version – Click here to download the software
  • Start+ – $17/month for 2 users
  • CRM+ – $48/month for 6 users
  • Project+ – $48/month for 24 users
  • Standard – $49.50/month for 50 users
  • Professional – $99.50/month for unlimited users
  • Click here to learn more about pricing 
  • Special discounts for NPOs are available 

6. Salsa – Since 2003


Salsa is an online donor management software with various tools for receiving online donations, creating social awareness, social media marketing, and much more. This CRM software will have a user-friendly relationship with donors, manages online & offline fundraising, and presents reports to the NPOs.


  • Easy to track and engage from any device 
  • Build strong streamlined relationships with the donors through donor management system
  • Allows to educate new donors about the services through the welcome series 
  • Easy to update donors about the changes in policy issues
  • Allow obtaining more funds by revealing about peer-to-peer events to donors
  • Easy to send messages directly to local, state, federal offices, CEOs to receive instant responses
  • Supports payment gateways such as Credit card, eCheck


  • User-friendly software
  • Offers facilities for advocacy, social media marketing, and more 


  • Hard to operate the software without proper training


7. CiviCRM – Since 2004


CiviCRM is a constituent relationship management software. It is built exclusively for advocacy campaigns, NGOs and NPOs. As the software has been designed for the needs of the international community, it supports multiple languages. 


  • Easy to sign up the software, receive automatic renewal reminders and emails 
  • Allows to record the attendance and activities of constituents through the event management tools
  • Easy to store contacts of the individual donors in the contact management option
  • Allows to create highly responsive layouts
  • Easy to manage and track the management workflows
  • Allows to create and manage emails with the help of the email marketing option
  • Supports iOS and Android 
  • Allows to build advocacy campaigns 
  • Allows to track events, mailings, and contributions
  • Easy to evaluate the organization’s growth by creating custom reports
  • Supports Authorize.Net, SagePay, TSYS, PaySafe, BitPay


  • Available at an affordable price
  • Flexible with any type of data
  • Meets all the requirements and needs of the NPOs


  • Lacks a user-friendly interface
  • Does not have advanced mailing options


  • Free version – click here to install 
  • Click here to learn more about pricing 
  • There is a special form for NPOs 

8. FundlyCRM – Since 2012


FundlyCRM is a cloud-based CRM software for NPOs that provides seamless engagement with the donor. It brings robust solutions at an affordable price focusing mainly on the community and services provided. 


  • Build robust connections with the donors
  • Easy to reach the community through events, memberships and with simple online fundraising tools
  • Easy to optimize the collected data
  • Allow personalizing the dashboard for quick access to the policy updates
  • Access to donor information, that includes, history, campaign participation, event registration, matching gifts
  • Allow to add, edit, filter the tasks and interactions with the donor 
  • Allow customizing market memberships, membership payments & renewals, gift memberships, and premium offers
  • Allow tracking granted applications, expected payments, deliverables, funder interactions and more
  • Integrated with QuickBooks, MailChimp, Morweb
  • Supports Stripe


  • Funds of the donors are delivered to the intended recipients
  • Provides securities like database-level and application-level security 


  • $100/month for 1000 contacts
  • $175/month for 2500 contacts
  • $250/month for 5,000 contacts
  • $350/month for 10,000 contacts
  • $500/month for 25,000 contacts
  • No special price tiers for NPOs

Comparison Chart for Top CRMs

Bloomerang DonorPerfect NeonCRM Kindful Bitrix24 Salsa CiviCRM FundlyCRM
Special discounts for NPOs Yes – 10% discount for the first-year subscription Yes  – $39/month. Click here to learn more  Yes – $49/month. Click here to learn more No    Yes – 15% discount for Bitrix Pro version or for 6-, 12 months, or 24 months subscription plans Yes they provide specific pricing based on your organization’s specific needs Free No
Payment gateways Stripe & Moolah  DP CheckScan NeonPay Stripe, Authorize.Net, PayPal PayPal Credit card, eCheck Authorize.Net, SagePay, TSYS, PaySafe, BitPay,  Stripe
Mobile apps Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
CMS Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
Digital marketing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
API support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrates with third-party software Click here to learn more about the third-party integrations Click here to learn more about the third-party integrations Click here to learn more about the third-party software integrations Click here to learn more about the third-party software integrations  Click here to know more about the third-party software integrations Click here to learn more about the third-party software integrations  Click here to learn more about the third-party integrations Click here to learn more about third-party software integrations
Support  Email, phone, contact form   Email, phone, chat, concierge Email, NeonBot, phone Live chat widget, Email Email, voicemail  Contact form, phone CoreTeam support,email  Live phone support, email
Virtual desktop sharing support No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No

Our Top 3 CRM for NPOs

Among the 8 CRM’s discussed in this blog, here are our top picks and why they earned a spot in our ‘top’ list. 


  • Designed for nonprofits and serving nonprofits for around 12 years
  • Comes with all the core modules to manage donors, events, memberships and track volunteers
  • Reporting, analytics, communications, and online forms can be built
  • Integration with third-party software like QuickBooks, MailChimp, Zapier, etc
  • Open API integration is also available for custom integration


  • Comes with all the core modules to manage donors, events, memberships, fundraising, marketing, etc. 
  • Integration with third-party software like QuickBooks, Donor Search, etc are available 


  • Comes with all the core modules to manage donors, events, memberships, fundraising, marketing, etc. 
  • Integration with third-party software like QuickBooks, MailChimp, etc available 
  • Can apply for a discounted price using this link 


All NPOs aim at completing their mission with the help of donors and volunteers. CRM software assists the NPOs to meet their requirements and objectives.

All the CRMs mentioned above are listed only after complete research. These CRMs will help a non-profit in nurturing its relationship with donors, tuning its fundraising efforts to the next level, interacting with their donors, and much more.

One of our personal favorites is Bitrix 24 CRM because it has many great features like API support, PayPal support, and more. Above all, the CRM is completely free for NPOs.

Which CRM software are you using for your NPO organization? Please do comment in the comment section below.

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