WP Rocket Speed Analysis

If you want to boost the speed of your WordPress website, adding a caching plugin is one of the best ways to improve the load time. As a search engine optimization company, we understand that reducing even a few milliseconds off the load time could have a positive impact on search ranking and conversion rate. 

When it comes to caching plugins, you would have definitely come across WP Rocket. It is considered the most popular premium plugin for delivering significant speed gains with little effort. The question is, how much speed improvements does it really deliver?

For testing the page speed, we used the home page and contact page of one of our websites. The website is built with Elementor Hello Theme.

  • Elements in the home page – 2 slides built using Revolution Slider plugin, used owl carousel slider to display the reviews from Op.io through API, 4 embedded YouTube videos, and multiple images.
  • Elements in the contact page – A banner, a form built using Gravity Forms and a location slider built using Revolution Slider plugin

To test the page load time, we used Pingdom, PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and WebPageTest.

  WebPageTest PageSpeed Insights GTmetrix Pingdom
Home Page Without WP Rocket Load time
14.495 seconds
Mobile optimization – 7%
Desktop optimization – 37%
 Page speed score – 84%
YSlow Score – 61%
Fully loaded time – 11.0 seconds
Total page size – 2.76 MB
Requests – 124
Performance grade -70
Load time – 10.84 seconds
Page size – 3.1 MB
Requests – 127
Home Page With WP Rocket Load time
6.917 seconds
Mobile optimization – 15%
Desktop optimization – 57%
 Page speed score – 92%
YSlow Score – 63%
Fully loaded time – 5.1 seconds
Total page size – 1.86 MB
Requests – 54
Performance grade -71
Load time – 4.83 seconds
Page size – 3.0 MB
Requests – 81
Contact Page Without WP Rocket Load time
13.241 seconds
Mobile optimization – 3%
Desktop optimization – 25%
 Page speed score – 64%
YSlow Score – 60%
Fully loaded time – 11.8 seconds
Total page size – 3.02 MB
Requests – 132
Performance grade -70
Load time – 8.48 seconds
Page size – 3.5 MB
Requests – 134
Contact Page With WP Rocket Load time
7.100 seconds
Mobile optimization – 20%
Desktop optimization – 54%
 Page speed score – 85%
YSlow Score – 62%
Fully loaded time – 7.6 seconds
Total page size – 1.82 MB
Requests – 68
Performance grade -70
Load time – 5.10 seconds
Page size – 3.0 MB
Requests – 77

Through this test, it is obvious that WP Rocket helps improve the speed of the WordPress website. By activating the plugin on your website and following the detailed documentation which also includes video guides, you can start seeing improvements in load time. 

 We have also written a detailed WP Review article that will give you a better idea of the features of the plugin.

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