Nextech has been one of the leading providers of healthcare technology solutions for nearly three decades, specializing in electronic medical records and practice management software. It is operating in over 5,000 practices and has been recognized with notable industry awards such as the Healthcare Technology Report and the Aesthetic Awards Best Practice Management Company award. 

Nextech Practice Management Software Review

Aimed at specialists in plastic surgery, orthopedics, dermatology, ophthalmology, and medical spas, this tool enhances workflow productivity and minimizes the time consumed by administrative activities.

Nextech offers a suite of services, including practice management, revenue cycle management, electronic health records, and patient interaction tools. These features help medical professionals increase efficiency and save resources by streamlining tasks such as scheduling appointments and billing processes.

This comprehensive overview is set to explore the vast array of services offered by Nextech. This blog will go into detail on the unique features, functionalities, and overall value that Nextech brings to the healthcare industry, underscoring how it stands out in the realm of medical technology solutions.

Key Features of Nextech Practice Management Software

Appointment Management

Nextech’s advanced appointment scheduling system enables patients to find effortlessly and book appointments via the practice’s website. It showcases available time slots, allowing patients to select their preferred healthcare provider and location, a feature particularly beneficial for practices with multiple branches.

This system is designed to reduce missed appointments and lost revenue by incorporating customizable reminders and settings to manage appointment frequency and limits. Additionally, it enhances patient convenience and practice efficiency by integrating seamlessly with the practice’s operational workflow, thus streamlining the scheduling process and improving overall service quality.

Key Features Of Nextech Practice Management Software

The recent enhancement to Nextech’s scheduler module, particularly in the check-in/checkout center, brings a new level of organization and ease to daily healthcare practice management. It offers a clear view of the day’s appointments, indicating the presence and status of each patient in a user-friendly format. Unconfirmed appointments are easily identified with visual cues, and detailed information is accessible for each appointment, including patient portal updates. 

The check-in process is made more efficient with an information panel that displays form completion, insurance details, and balances. Additionally, the feature supports various methods for patients to complete forms, such as text invites or QR code scanning, ensuring a smooth and quick check-in experience for both patients and front desk staff.

Billing and Claims Management 

Nextech streamlines insurance billings and other revenue processes with its robust billing and claims management solution. It offers comprehensive management of insurance billing and revenue-related activities, enhancing the accuracy of claims processing and minimizing the risk of claim rejections. 

The system’s automated billing capabilities make it straightforward to generate service quotes and confirm patient payment details, thereby boosting workplace productivity. With its integrated payment systems, Nextech’s PMS processes payments directly, enhancing patient satisfaction by speeding up transactions without the need for external services. 

Additionally, the point of sale capability within Nextech is crucial for an efficient revenue cycle, complemented by the ability to create customized payment plans and schedules for patients who visit regularly.

Recently, Nextech has introduced a streamlined rebilling feature developed in response to feedback from billing professionals. This new feature consolidates all relevant billing information in one place, accessible from the billing worklists. It gathers data from various points in the software, including billing entries and appointment notes, making the rebilling process more efficient and user-friendly for billers.

Reporting and Analytics

Nextech’s practice management software not only handles marketing, inventory, and lead management but also excels in data analysis and reporting. It integrates data from various features to produce insightful reports, aiding healthcare practices in strategic planning, service improvement, and growth.

The synergy between Nextech’s PMS and EHR systems offers a consolidated view of crucial insights, impacting overall practice performance. 

Additionally, for larger healthcare setups, this reporting functionality is vital for assessing individual practitioner performance in terms of operational efficiency and patient satisfaction, thereby guiding better management decisions and activity optimization.

Patient Engagement Portal

Nextech’s patient engagement portal, accessible through a mobile app, enhances patient care and interaction both during and post-treatment. 

This user-friendly platform allows patients to conveniently access their medical records, billing details, and appointment schedules from any location at any time. The portal also streamlines the check-in process by enabling patients to submit necessary information ahead of their appointments, thereby speeding up their arrival experience.

Available for download on the iOS store, the Nextech application enhances clinical routines by offering mobility and efficiency on iPhone and iPad devices. Additionally, the patient portal extends its accessibility, being available for use on desktops and laptops, ensuring patients and healthcare providers can seamlessly access it from various devices.

Enhanced Charting on the Go

The recent update to Nextech’s software showcases a mobile-optimized dashboard charting area, catering specifically to iOS users. Recognizing that 65% of users access the dashboard on mobile devices, Nextech has tailored this feature for ease of use on the go. 

Key functionalities include the ability to load charts, incorporate various chart elements, and complete chart sign-offs directly from a mobile phone. Additionally, the feature allows for the addition of reviewer signatures and the option to save charts as drafts, providing users with enhanced flexibility and efficiency. 

This mobile-centric enhancement aligns with Nextech’s ongoing efforts to improve client efficiency and elevate the overall patient experience through its software.


Nextech has an open API architecture, which seamlessly integrates with SMART on FHIR applications, enabling developers to enhance the system with various third-party applications. This integration supports the expansion of Nextech’s functionalities by connecting with leading healthcare software. 

This integration enables healthcare providers to enhance patient care through advanced disease management, enable insightful data visualization, foster deeper patient engagement, and utilize comprehensive tools for population health management. 

Moreover, it empowers providers to craft and deploy custom applications, leveraging Nextech’s robust documentation for seamless integration, thereby broadening the scope of services they can offer through the SMART on the FHIR app gallery.

These integrations, along with connections to over 29 other software platforms, significantly enhance the utility and adaptability of the Nextech system.


Nextech’s CareCredit integration streamlines patient payments by allowing direct access to financing options within the platform. 

This simplifies transactions, offers customized financing solutions, and ensures accurate, real-time synchronization of patient and billing data, reducing financial discrepancies and enhancing transaction accuracy.
MyMedLeadMyMedLeads integration streamlines healthcare lead management, enabling efficient tracking and engagement across social media and websites. 

It enhances patient acquisition and operational efficiency by automating personalized communication through email, text, and calls, thereby saving time and boosting productivity.
BirdEyeThe BirdEye integration streamlines gathering and sharing patient feedback online for medical practices. 

It automates the process of collecting reviews and posting them on various platforms, enhancing practices’ online reputation, SEO, and patient acquisition. This tool allows practices to focus on care while improving their digital presence.
NextPatientNextech’s integration with NextPatient automates appointment scheduling and enhances patient engagement with timely reminders, reducing no-shows. 

This streamlines operations, while personalized reminders improve patient interaction. Insights into scheduling patterns aid resource allocation and operational planning, enhancing revenue potential.
RelatientNextech’s integration with Relatient enhances patient communication in medical practices. Automated reminders for appointments and recalls streamline interactions alongside facilitating efficient patient intake and online scheduling. 

This enhancement significantly improves communication quality, increases patient compliance, streamlines practice operations, and enhances patient satisfaction.
StripeOperating directly within the Nextech system, Stripe ensures secure and efficient financial transactions, minimizing administrative overhead. 

Providers benefit from simplified billing processes, while patients enjoy enhanced payment experiences with diverse options and secure transactions.
PodiumBy integrating Podium into Nextech, healthcare practices enhance patient communication with HIPAA-compliant SMS, email, and video chat functionalities. 

This secure integration facilitates appointment reminders, feedback collection, and reviews, expanding patient engagement while ensuring data security.

Benefits of Using Nextech Practice Management Software

Nextech Practice Management Software delivers a suite of powerful tools designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare practices. This software is crafted to meet the diverse needs of healthcare providers, focusing on crucial aspects of practice management.

Key benefits include:

Optimizing Administrative Tasks:

  • Streamlines administrative processes, reducing manual workload.
  • Enhances the efficiency of daily operations, from patient check-ins to record keeping.
  • Automates routine tasks, allowing staff to focus on more critical aspects of patient care.

Reducing Appointment No-Shows:

  • Incorporates automated appointment reminders, significantly decreasing the likelihood of missed appointments.
  • Offers easy rescheduling options, encouraging patients to rearrange rather than skip appointments.
  • Improves patient compliance with treatment schedules, ensuring better healthcare outcomes.

Improving Practice Performance and Marketing Efforts:

  • Provides tools for targeted marketing campaigns, effectively attracting new patients.
  • Analyzes patient demographics and behaviour for more focused marketing strategies.
  • Enhances online presence and patient engagement, key factors in today’s digital healthcare marketplace.

Maximizing Revenue with RCM Features:

  • Manages the entire revenue cycle, from billing and coding to collections.
  • Reduces errors in billing and insurance claims, ensuring faster reimbursement.
  • Offers insights into financial performance, helping identify areas for revenue optimization.

Ensuring HIPAA Compliance with Cloud Data Assets:

  • Protects sensitive patient data in compliance with HIPAA regulations.
  • Utilizes secure cloud storage to manage patient records, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality.
  • Enables secure access to patient data, facilitating remote consultations and telemedicine services.

Nextech’s Practice Management Software stands as a comprehensive solution, addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by modern healthcare practices, thereby improving operational efficiency, patient satisfaction, and financial health.

Industry Capabilities

Nextech is expertly designed to cater to a wide range of medical specialties, making it a versatile choice for healthcare practices. It is particularly well-suited for specialties such as plastic surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, orthopedics, and medical spas. 

Additionally, its scalability makes it an ideal solution for healthcare organizations of varying sizes, from small clinics to large medical centers. Beyond these specialties, Nextech’s adaptable framework allows it to meet the unique needs and workflows of different medical fields, providing customized solutions that enhance both patient care and practice efficiency.

Nextech Pricing

Nextech offers a diverse pricing structure to accommodate different sizes of healthcare practices. While the specific rates are not listed on their website, user reviews and product demos provide some insight. 

For larger practices, the monthly subscription, which includes an integrated EHR system, is approximately $2160.  This package offers comprehensive services such as POS, marketing, scheduling, EHR charting, practice reporting, inventory management, and a patient portal. It also encompasses a license for one physician, covering up to six users like nurses, office managers, and billing managers. 

However, additional licenses are required for using the software on more than one workstation, implying extra costs. Small practices may find more budget-friendly options, with prices around $500 per month. To get an exact pricing structure tailored to specific practice needs, a direct quote request from Nextech is advisable.

In Conclusion

Nextech provides healthcare practices with valuable features and integrations that enhance workflow efficiency in appointment management, patient engagement, and billing. However, it’s essential to consider the software’s pricing, particularly for larger practices, and be mindful of potential technical challenges that may arise.

Nextech plays a significant role in improving operational efficiency, patient satisfaction, and overall practice management. Its blend of functionality and user-friendly design makes it a valuable tool for enhancing operational effectiveness and patient care. When evaluating practice management solutions, healthcare providers should weigh these benefits against the software’s pricing strategy and potential technical issues, making Nextech a strong contender in the realm of healthcare technology solutions, provided the investment aligns with their budgetary and operational needs.